Mar 31, 2013

Ego and its depletion

fatigued brain
Testing the ego
The human mind has enormous capacity to cogitate, ruminate as well as meditate. What we choose to do with our abilities is a personal decision. Research is increasingly corroborating the internal drive to perform actions, with enhanced prowess and energy to execute them. In other words, studying under pressure is a less probable predictor of success when compared to an inherent resolve to excel by putting in effort at free will. The mind can monetize on its energies by using free will; unlike forced conformity that depletes the mind of its essential faculties. Putting the mind to test by overworking it may not always have the best outcomes.

Mar 30, 2013

Self Control (3)

Brain wiring
Resistance to impulse fulfillment can be attributed to specific areas of the human brain with alteration in neurochemical levels that promote (or when appropriate, protect from) rash decision-making. Broadly, the processing of thought and its systematization into rational evaluations is a knack known to few. Most act on gratifying impulses, failing to exercise any restraint on their needs and urges. It’s fun at times to make sudden plans and act on instinct in emotional situations if the outcomes are favorable. However normalcy is defined by the ability to be either impulsive or controlled depending on which is the most adaptive. Wise choices begin with an awareness of their existence.

use the control key
Changing cues
Outcome focus
Token economy
Loss identification

Mar 29, 2013

Self control (2)

Out of control?
It is each one’s own brain in that skull in their own head. None but us are obligated to take charge of it. Man may conduct experiments in animals but the motive is to predict responses in himself. Change (for the better) is a challenge. We can’t change how the world thinks and behaves; but we most definitely are monarchs of our own intellect. One only has to make the wiser choice for a sager outcome.
use the control key
Changing cues
Outcome focus
Token economy
Loss identification

Mar 28, 2013

Self control (1)

Human intellect
The human brain is the most extensively reviewed apparatus, yet it can be alleged that there is more unknown about it’s functioning than is recognized, more questions than answers and more postulations than inferences. While self-control loosely entails restriction of emotion and behavior that principally evades some short-term reward to ensure a long-term gain; there is more to the brain mechanics in understanding reward and punishment. There are conflicting contingencies in monitoring impulses. Understanding these is mandatory to master the art, science as well as practice of self-control.

Mar 27, 2013

Self-compassion or Self-pity? (2)

Right from wrong
In more cases than less, those who do the incorrect thing know that it is erroneous. Awareness is not a predictor of righteousness. Insight has different levels of cognizance and these foretell the quantum of behavior change in response to that level. The most common (and possibly worst) of all is knowledge without corresponding action.
  • Exercise is good for health (how many do it?)
  • Sadness isn't a defense (who realizes that?)
  • Giving up isn’t an option (who acts on it?)
  • Anger is destructive (who keeps it in mind?)
  • Patience cures half the troubles (Oh really?)
  • Kindness is better than wrath (do we do it?)
Few follow what they deem right for themselves. Anger, rage, blame, guilt, negativism and self-pity are internalized emotions that sprout from unresolved external conflicts. They rot the interior without us appreciating the damage they are capable of…

Self-compassion or Self-pity? (1)

self pity!
Emotions are by far downright subjective constructs. Pain, pleasure, anger, sorrow, jealousy, nervousness, disdain; every emotion is felt after a personal appraisal of a given situation. For each one of us, there is only one ‘self’. The rest comprise the remainder of this magnanimous globe. Small as we truly seem in comparison to the gamut that surrounds us, we are the biggest and most important to ourselves. We are our own world, we control our own lives, and we ought to care for our selves, nurture ourselves, love ourselves and heal ourselves when we hurt. Self-compassion is the softest and tenderest of all emotions each one needs to inculcate.

Mar 26, 2013

My imagination

A world of ideas, beliefs and occurrences that haven’t been perceived in any form in reality, unseen, unheard and unfelt; is a typical description of a fantasy existence. The art of imagining entails a cycle of image creation, unique to each one of us. A process that has the power to create freedom in exile and calm in a storm; imagination sows the seeds of invention, innovation and origination. As Einstein rightly identified, imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited in its scope while imagination encircles the world and parts beyond it. At the same time he also emphasized that imagination was impossible without knowledge…

Proving a point

An apparently small ‘extra’ bit transforms the conventional into the extraordinary. That bit is indeed not trivial but isn’t impossible either. Of ability, knack, skill, aptitude, potential, few are innate endowments while most individuals have to fight their way through life to make their mark. A tiny leap of a difference can categorize people as special. Knowing the extent of ones own capability can be an inspiration to attain heights that once were unimagined. Who then defines the maximal limit of each ones talent? Some counts are factual: people don't usually live beyond 100 to 110 years; man cannot fly like a bird, or reproduce by himself for instance. What is unattainable seems super human. When accomplished it becomes a human capacity. If only there was a method of identifying and building on expertise to grow beyond what one deems himself capable of at this current moment. Does one need figures to score a point before the game is over? Who keeps the count?

Mar 24, 2013

I need to be perfect

be yourself
Meticulousness is no sin; it is a rather coveted trait. The definition and boundaries of perfectionism however are often bleak; what appears enough to one seems way too inadequate to another. Verdicts given by the world indeed count; but what matters most is what we think of ourselves and where we place our self-regard centered on our personal appraisals of us. The ladder of individual growth typically directs upwards, life is about evolution and success concerns bettering ourselves with each passing day. Nonetheless, accepting the self with potencies and inadequacies is the selection of the wise...

Be your own inspiration

be the light
be the light that you want to shine on the
world. your world can never be dark then
Talent and aptitude are pre-requisites for origination, which is remarkably vital in today’s world. While these seem to be abstract concepts, they do command specific instruction and inculcation techniques. On the other hand, creative nuances seem to thrive and necessitate inspirational motivation. Inspiration is indeed set prior to consciousness. Practice and implementation of a skill may occur independent of it, and inspiration without talent may also be insufficient to warrant novel creations. Inspiration continues to be intriguing, an enigmatic and abstract concept; nonetheless it can qualify as a mandate for triumph.

Mar 23, 2013

My weakness my defense?

tangle or disentangle: make the choice
tangle or disentangle: make the choice
The human mind
The human brain is a complicated contraption with its one billion neurons and more than a few dozen neurochemicals that interplay to stimulate robust and convincing thoughts. Some of these are constructive while others work invariably for the worse of the person thinking them. When this mighty brain within the skull of every human foregoes its ability of filtering thinking, there is transient suspension of rationality. This may well be innocuous, however prolonged dwelling in negative and faulty mindsets transforms the thought process irreversibly, engendering irrational thoughts that are universally acknowledged to lead to unfavorable emotions and negative behaviors…

Mar 22, 2013

I can do it...

A ball of hot plasma interwoven with magnetic fields, initiating thermonuclear fusion at its core every moment, the sun, by far is the biggest source of energy for humanity. The vivacity of the universe: algae, plants, animals, insects, reptiles and human beings; is contingent upon energy offered by sunlight. There is too much dynamism in this world, energy as we know cannot be created or destroyed; it only transmutes from one form to the other. Just as petrol and other fuels offer solar energy that was converted by photosynthesis in the very distant past; so also there are untapped and unidentified forms of energy within the neurons of every mind; waiting to be expended, utilized and suitably exploited. Positively for oneself, if feasible for the betterment of the sphere too…

Mar 21, 2013

Eyesight to ‘I-sight’


Vision is more than the meager ability to see. For those who are blessed with sightedness, intact eyes and undamaged brain receptors cells; it is an automatic, unconscious and effortless phenomenon.  However foresight is the knack at internalizing revelations that are beyond the realm of pure involuntary visibility. To foresee the impact that words craft, to envision impressions of emotions and anticipate the power of mindfulness.

Mar 20, 2013

Love thyself the most

learn to love yourself
loving yourself is an art that's very worthy of mastery
The defense called projection
People seem naïve but they indeed are well aware of their defects. Human beings see their own shortcomings in those around them. They pick on ill habits of others in spite of dwelling likewise in their own. Awareness is not even the need of the hour; it already exists. Acceptance and a will to change are the necessities. Projection involves throwing ones flaws on the world outside and seeing it as ‘bad’. The reverse, introjection; entails internalizing the goodness around and living to ones fullest, knowing that life is beautiful and we ourselves are worthy of love. 

Love thyself even more

innocent love like that of a child
innocent love like that of a child
Reverence and adoration
Love has many faces: care, admiration, idolization and internalization to name a few. Love adds delight to your vocabulary and enchantment to your existence. When you love someone or something, you accept them for who they are and adore their existence. You look at them as special and treat them unique too. If at times you don't, you may desire your loved one to change; else you alter your perception of them. The net result is warmth and comfort in the presence of the loved object. And what when that loved object is you? How much do you even know yourself to value and like in yourself? And then, is there enough within you to merit adulation?

Mar 19, 2013

Love thyself some more

The wrong thoughts
inactivity is fun but action is dedication
laxity and lenience on the self is suicide
love yourself and drive yourself to action
Many are unmindful of the expression of love for oneself. For the overweight person, self-indulgence may involve over eating, vindicating inactivity, not following an exercise paradigm, skipping medical checks and failing to adhere to weight control methods. So also is true for those who drink, smoke or gamble. Their love for the self appears to have positive intent. They shield themselves from pain. However they allow (and justify):
  • Laxity
  • Lenience
  • Indulgence
  • Forgiveness
  • Permissiveness
Such people do not love themselves enough. Their concept of love is misshapen. They are unaware of the right resolve and erroneously believe they’re doing the best for themselves…

Learn to love thyself

Love: the concept
A frequently misapprehended notion, love becomes even more inscrutable when one delves into its depth. It’s easy to think, say it aloud and even behave accordingly, when we love our pets and parents and spouse and job and the smoked cheese pizza from our favorite food joint. No one questions us on the same; we seldom interrogate ourselves either on why we feel the way we do about people, objects and ideas. A rarely cogitated zone here is the love for oneself. Many feel they love themselves enough and are tuned to altruism, several are so self absorbed that they get adjudged as selfish and self-centered creatures who love none other themselves, while the truth is that most are oblivious to the true concept of self love…

Mar 17, 2013

Looking up to yourself

Courtesy and respect for actualized souls is explicit. Honor, reverence and regard are our abstract offerings to people we look up to. There is a lot of goodness in this world: immense talent, profound wisdom and overwhelming aptitudes. Each of these demands admiration. However, one ought to find ways and means, motives and reasons; as well as actions and intentions that enable one to look up to his or her own self. Undue self-importance is not obligatory; it is in fact barred. But self-respect is a mandate for every human; and it must be worthily earned and earnestly netted. The world has no need for self-proliferating egotists. 

Mar 15, 2013

SELFLESS-ness (2)

Charity begins at home
While charity begins at home, it’s nice to extend it in the neighborhood too. Offering to others comes with internalization of humane abilities. Each one was indeed born with them; however self-preservation is an entrenched trait too. Fulfillment of needs of the self is paramount. The limits of satisfaction however vary and allow for discontentment more often that satiation. The grey zone separating needs from wants makes gratification challenging. Nonetheless, self-acceptance and personal growth do pave way for gallant behavior, where offering to the world becomes more critical than hoarding it for oneself. The traits of the selfless may be described as:
care for emotions
care for emotions

SELFLESS-ness (1)

Forced conformity?
Duty and loyalty are somewhat enforced conformity constructs. Being earnest on obligation is also commendable; it allows people to work sincerely, serve honestly and labor genuinely towards a purpose. However selflessness (also well understood as altruism) is an extension of acts performed without any beneficial purpose; of being there for others without mandate, devoid of personal gain, minus tangible advantage. True selflessness seems rare since there always seems to be some hidden benefit to all actions. Good seems harder to perform than bad (usually). Many have equated goodness to be synonymous with feebleness; since wrong doers seem to be big and arrogant and boisterous while the good are meek. The yin and yang frequently twist about in the circle of life. Most know when they have been selfish (thankfully so), while some have it involuntarily engrained (sadly). Philanthropy is a conscious struggle; some traits that define it may be as under:
less self more others
less self more others

Mar 14, 2013

SELFISH-ness (2)

Will to know
There is much fuss over the ‘self’. The self is vital. Charity begins at home; a sound mind in a sound body builds sound relationships, democracy involves actions of the self for the self by the self. The bewildered self has little to offer to the sphere. Yet the concept of self needs loftier understanding than mere self-centeredness. An actualized individual helps oneself and those around. That’s superior cognizance. Few have the ability, lesser still have the will to introspect and discover their own potential. Others hunt for their identities while life passes them by. These selfish people are:

my way only
Hard hearted

SELFISH-ness (1)

Dig deeper
Introspection has no specified profundity. The deeper you dig the more there is to fathom. Every millisecond of time is evidence to discoveries of newer aspects of the self. A teabag itself has no inkling of its own strength until the time it’s thrown into boiling water. One needn’t swim amongst sharks each time to know ones true potential. Self-discovery involves awareness and mindfulness of ones own prowess and precincts at every turn.  This awareness ought to expend humility and respect outwards and not merely within. People weren’t born selfish, however some of them adapt their drive of self-absorption on the journey of introspection. Selfish people are
self centered
there can be
no other way!
Hard hearted

Mar 12, 2013

Making the 'I' matter

‘I’ matters
The self is the most significant component of ones actuality. Democracy originated from the concept of identity; to perform actions of the self for the self by the self. When the self is appeased, one can look outward and offer to the world. Self doesn't comprise mere selfishness and ego. Those are all sheer constructs that complete one’s persona and make up the human in each one of us. Ignorance of the self can lead to dissatisfaction, discomfort and disillusionment. The self needs more attention that it seems to be getting today…

Standing for yourself

Beautiful as it seems, the moon too has its blemishes. The world has it’s brighter and sullen side; good and bad frequently co-exist. Love and admiration comes naturally to some while scorn and contempt to others. Many accept and regard others unconditionally, while several are callous with the emotions of another. In a world that that throws criticism habitually, one needs to build personal defenses to cope with character attacks. No-one is shielded from censure.

Mar 2, 2013

I really am so tired

I need rest
Fatigue is one of the MOST subjective of emotions and perceptions. And no matter what, it is incapacitating. It has both physiological and psychological constituents that allow the sufferer to perceive a reduction in drive, ability as well as performance. The horse when whipped begins to gallop; and cows, donkeys, goats and sheep are compelled to exert (at anything at all) when pushed. That however does not assure their drive and ability to excel. They must perform out of sheer force. Higher cognitive abilities necessitate focus and energy; these are less likely to be engendered by a drained mind.