Mar 12, 2013

Making the 'I' matter

‘I’ matters
The self is the most significant component of ones actuality. Democracy originated from the concept of identity; to perform actions of the self for the self by the self. When the self is appeased, one can look outward and offer to the world. Self doesn't comprise mere selfishness and ego. Those are all sheer constructs that complete one’s persona and make up the human in each one of us. Ignorance of the self can lead to dissatisfaction, discomfort and disillusionment. The self needs more attention that it seems to be getting today…
A concept we were taught in early school years; personal hygiene, healthy diet, regular exercise and adequate sleep; to initiate the list. Concern of the self begins with fulfillment of these basic needs in Maslow’s hierarchy and rises to higher requirements like love, regard, safety and actualization. Care of the self ought not to neglect these essentials. Basic as well as higher needs are seldom well attended to by a vast majority:
  • Over-eating unhealthy foods (just because we like to?)
  • Stringent fad diets (for unrealistic slim appearances?)
  • Alcohol, nicotine and a range of substances (socializing?)
  • Lack of adequate exercise (there is apparently no time?)
  • Inadequate sleep (there’s too much to achieve in 24 hours)
Inadequacies get vindicated somehow or the other while the self continues to suffer the slow and steady effects of abuse and neglect.
Unhealthy mind in an unhealthy body
Stress and apprehensions rarely consume souls that have attained nirvana. A healthy body may still harbor turmoil in the mind, however an unhealthy mind assuredly messes both.
  • Worries about one’s work
  • Insecurities about finance
  • Troublesome relationships
  • Anxieties relating to children
  • Apprehensions about health
  • Faulty connects or friendships
The nagging presence of each of these is an incessant irk in most lives. And it is usually perceived that if the object exists, the anxieties must do so alongside. Truly so; the worriless ones lie peacefully in their grave; thus it is presumed that every other that breathes and lives must deal with tribulations of this weary world; as if on a war font every moment, struggling to thrive and fraught to flourish.
Matters of the ‘I’
Respect your body and mind and offer them the sustenance they deserve. Oblivion to the dreadful impact of today’s action on tomorrow’s reality is foolish. Failure to see the problem doesn't vanquish its presence. Focus on every action and consider the impact it has on you and that little radius around you (you are free to choose the span of it), however you must act adequately enough to assure that you are well taken care of:
  • The lifestyle you choose to maintain impacts your own health
  • What you eat or drink improves or worsens your own body
  • How you connect with your partner influences your well being
  • The way you maintain friendships assures your own happiness
  • The time you dedicate to relaxation replenishes your energies
  • Good that you do, gives the highest sense of fulfillment to you
It’s a selfish world and your own selfishly selfless acts offer serenity to none other than you. A higher level of realization will make one apprehend the reality in this truth. The seemingly selfish acts then become selfless and the currently existent selfless actions get appropriately perceived as selfish and motivate the well-deserved change.
Add purpose to existence
Life is meant to be cherished and relished. Just like food. If you eat to survive, it seems purposeful enough; but if you do enjoy what you eat, it makes the meal more fulfilling. The meal itself doesn't matter as much as your perception and meaning that you choose to add to it. Don’t let your life become commonplace; something that just happened by chance. Make it influential enough to make a difference. Insects and animals exist too; higher level presence calls for more than meager survival. Following a predetermined path and doing what most others do is sensible conformity and makes life simpler; adding meaning to it while you do so is the zesty part. Don’t lose out on that chance. Life won’t come by again if you lose it this time…

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