Oct 9, 2012

Do you mind?

Like really, do you mind?
Well the question here is do you really mind your mind? Do you really watch your psychological wellness as much as you caution for your body? That trivial increase in your body weight, that little pimple, the slight headache; the tweezy stomach; all get your attention at once. You leave no stone unturned; no time, effort or money seems too much to know whether your body is doing fine or not.
And what about giving cognizance to your mind?
  • Do you realize you’re more on the edge these days?
  • Do you see that you are not in your best elements off late?
  • Do you notice that you’re losing your cool more often than before?
  • Did you even know that your smile has lost its luster and you’re not really fine?
Mind the mind
Your mind is the model of your universe, that too in your own hands. You rule the world; you are always king of your own intellect. You decide what you want to do and you go ahead and do it. You face troubles but you believe you can surpass them. You have the power. You have the will. If you feel strong, you fight. When you feel weak, you let go. You realize how important it is to ‘feel’? And you cannot feel what you don't want to. No one ‘makes’ you feel strong or sad or bad or small. ‘You’ feel. It’s your mind. It’s about time you mind it. Its pretty much the time for you to introspect and gain insight into who you really are, what you truly want to be, where you certainly are headed; and realistically, how are you going to get there? Mind your mind.
How do I know what to do?
You were born free. We all have a free will. The existential theory says that we were ‘thrown’ into the world. Literally thrown from above and fallen on the ground. According to this theory a lot in this world has fixed determination and purpose. A table and a chair are pieces of furniture. A carrot and a cucumber are vegetables. But what can we say about you? Do you have a purpose? Was it pre determined? Is your life a railway track that has to go on the pre-designed trail or you do have a chance to drive or walk or run or swim or even fly? If you don't know what you are capable of, who else can? A simple theory to follow is to believe that you are capable of all that you ever wanted to be. You don't have to achieve it all. But what matters is, your conviction to get out of the ‘thrown’ temperament. Even if you are thrown, learn to rise. And believe that there’s nothing that can stop you from escalating as high as you ever wanted to soar.
Keep a watch…over yourself
There are times we fail to give cognizance to our emotions. We believe:
  • If we are sad it illustrates ‘weakness’
  • If we don't sleep well its just a ‘phase’
  • Fighting with our partners daily is just ‘normal’
  • Seeking or asking for help amounts to being ‘sissy’
  • Dealing with it yourself and not telling others is being ‘strong’
We thrive on these irrational beliefs and spend a whole lifetime wallowing in sorrow because we could not help ourselves, no one else could understand us and nobody offered help. Keep a watch on your own moods, their swings, the impact they have on others and how and why others behavior changes towards you. You need to do it for yourself. Seeking help is being strong. You need enough strength to stand for yourself and put your hand forward. Your ego is not going to heal you. You don't have to be the sturdiest. You are human. You can let the right people take care of you.
Is your group B+ve?
Yes that's not the blood group we’re talking here. It’s your ability to see the half glass as half full and work towards filling it to the brim. When full it will in fact run over and you will spread a share of your happiness and positivism to those around you too. It’s always easy to say that the world did not treat us right. Or that we were not loved ‘enough’. Or no one ‘helped’ us.  If only you accept that there is no right and nothing is ever enough and we have to help ourselves. If only you knew the universal truth that you are here for yourself and you ‘make’ your happiness around your own self, you would not ever come in your own path of advancement.
Stop worrying and minding the world…
Learn to mind your mind…

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