Oct 8, 2012

Do you have the PIG?

do you have the PIG
i'm cute but you shouldn't have me
No we’re not talking of a pets or non-vegetarian diets here. We’re talking of your uncontrollable, irresistible impulses, which are so vehemently out of your power that it becomes terribly agonizing for you to delay giving into them. The PIG represents your inability to curb that restlessness that arises when something refuses to go your way. It signifies your explosive reaction to rejection or refutation, and your helplessness before your own self. In many ways the PIG is really what differentiates human kind from the animal kind. Yes the PIG is the PROBLEM of IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION…
I want what I want and I want it NOW!
It’s not criminal to want what you want. We all have wants and desires and expectations and dreams. They are totally permissible and authorized.  What is unsanctioned is your condition that you should get what you want right when you want it. You choose to not exercise that self control which will in the longer run work better for you as well as those around you. You most likely know that being impulsive does not get you to a favorable consequence but you tend to deny yourself that chance. And you lash out…
…at your employee for skipping work not knowing she lost her spouse the previous day…
…your child for messing the room not realizing she painted a beautiful birthday card for you…
…the man who you thought was was jay walking, not appreciating that he had a cane with a red tip and that he was blind…
So what is the PIG really?
The problem of immediate gratification is a universal principle referring to the immediate reward of an action seeming more attractive than the harm that it may cause at a later date. When you act impulsively, you fail to see the long-term significances of your deeds. You lose that self control and cannot delay your impulse to lash out with words or your action. Your anger and irritation gets vented and you do feel better for a few moments. And these refer to negative impulses, not positive ones. You are always allowed to unexpectedly show gestures of love, shower gifts, praise your children or reward your employees. What is not acceptable is:
  • Raising your voice
  • Raising your hand
  • Expressing disrespect
  • Slapping your child
  • Sending mean texts
  • Writing rude emails
  • Slamming doors
  • Rash driving when upset
  • Uncontrollably smoking
  • Excessively drinking
Why impulsivity always seems like a better option
It is always a good vent to swear when someone passes your lane while you are driving or smack your child when he or she has scored lower grades. It’s harder to slow yourself on the road and realize maybe it was partly your own fault too; or sit your children down and explain the importance of studies and motivate them to work harder next time. You do feel guilty about it later on but you cannot hold back that emotion just before it explodes. The PIG works like magic: everything must go my way. I will express what I feel is right and I will express it in that form at the spur of that very moment in the very style I deem appropriate.
The myopic vision
Shortsightedness entails an inability to see what’s far and makes one focus on what’s near because that's as distant as their vision allows them. When you wear the spectacles of patience and understanding, you can decrease your myopia and look farther; beyond your current impulsive reaction. You can visualize the impact of today’s imprudent words and actions and envision how they will change your tomorrow for the worse. You can see the relationships that you will sacrifice because of your anger, the respect you will forfeit because of your careless blows, and the self-confidence that you will kill because of your harsh words. Look beyond and ahead of the problem. Look at the far off solution and act and speak accordingly.
Delay that gratifying urge
Decide that you will be rude another day. Promise that you will save your anger just for an hour later. Resolve that you will react to your child’s report card 24 hours after you see it. Become more patient, calm, giving and considerate. It will make you a better person. You will grow as a human being, in the eyes of others as well as yourself. Just learn to see right. Give up that PIG…

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