Oct 4, 2012

Express your feelings

Feelings are important!
A volcano is not something any of us find pleasant when it erupts. But then, that’s how volcanoes just are supposed to be. And the longer they are dormant (or rather seem dormant to you!) They more they are simmering and brewing their lava inside: only to erupt stronger and destroy harder when they do. Feelings (positive as well as negative) are best when expressed suitably. If you want to take control over your emotional life and become more rationally emotive, you need to learn how to express your feelings well. Feelings make or break you. They personify you, epitomize you, and exemplify you. You are human because you feel and you know how to express it...
Label your emotions
If you have never learned how to express your emotions; you will obviously have a difficult time labeling them. Sometimes you may confuse anger with a feeling of disappointment or disgust or even indifference. At other times you might cry and feel sad in situations in which anger is really the more appropriate emotion. You must know what you are feeling so that you can do something about it!
Express what you feel
Your feelings are not riches meant to be preserved and treasured out there in the safety locker. Express them as soon as you have them. Positive expressions will be contagious and will be s source of smiles to others while negative expression will ease you off your burden anyways! If you feel that the expression will lead to trouble and conflict; you can reorganize them in your mind and then express them appropriately. It is usually the best for you to express your emotions as you experience them.
Identify change in feelings
All your feelings are transient. If you express them as soon as you experience them, they will obviously change. In fact if they are stormy, they do not last much because the storm always dies down sooner than later. You might feel incredibly angry at one moment; your anger will pass, as long as you express it. Only the hidden and repressed feelings linger for a very long time. It’s best to have them off your chest.
Anger management
Anger can be an extremely intimidating feeling for many to express. Anger is an essential emotion and can drive one to constructive action where needed. However, inappropriate rage leads to self and relationship devastation. Anger needs appropriate ways of expression.  Try your best to express your anger physically, especially if you have a lot of repressed anger to process. You need to choose a physical activity that will not harm another person or yourself. Some good ways to express anger include punching pillows, dancing, playing a musical instrument, popping balloons, taking a kickboxing class or going for a brisk walk!
Cry it out
Sorrow is one of the most natural of all feelings. After all we all cried the moment we were born! Tears are very good for healing wounded spirits. However, it is not that easy to express sorrow. We all are so guarded with our negative emotions and we worry most about what people may think of our expressions. It’s very important to let out all the negativity. Do it yourself or in front of a trusting companion, friend or family member. Set aside time to let yourself "flounder" for a little while. You will feel much better after a good cry. It eases and lightens your heart and cleanses your soul.
Comfort yourself
There is never reason to be scared enough. There will always be a guiding light for you no matter where you are you just have to follow your heart and move on fearlessly. You need to express your desire for comfort to those who care as well as learn to comfort yourself. Any trauma in your life can make you struggle with feelings of apprehension and trepidation. Comfort yourself through those feelings. Visualize yourself comforting the child that you once were. See yourself wrapping a thick blanket around your terrified inner child and hold that child close to your heart.
Laugh without any reservation
Laughter is the audible expression of happiness. A good laugh can be extraordinarily healing. Do not ever stifle your joy or be tightfisted with your roaring hilarity. Instead, express your joy by giving in to an urge to laugh. A good belly laugh can do wonders for your emotional state.  When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy, in addition to the domino effect of joy and amusement. It just makes you more human…

1 comment:

  1. I agree that expressing your feeling helps. Many of the times it is not as easy as said due to reaction and scare of being misunderstood by the person in front.
    People like me express their feelings so spontaneously that there is no time to modify them.
    I guess, one has to learn this tact before as much as the sad/ angry feeling are concern.
