Oct 2, 2012

What’s your driver?

Just when you felt your breath fading...
Just when you sensed your heart sinking...
Right when you knew you hope was dwindling…
Precisely the moment when you thought it was the end...
Quite indeed the time you thought you could take it no more...
Something strange happened and changed it all? You felt that boost of energy and you realized that there is a divine intervention? You identified that there was a way out and you moved yourself towards it? Or someone came along and inspired you to do what you always were capable of doing, but you just didn't know you could?
Find your driver
Your drivers push you to action. They offer impetus to direct you to your goal. You may get driven to accomplish targets because of their sheer attractiveness; they entice you to put in all you have to get that educational degree and get that dream job and get that awesome life partner.  However the external drivers can sometimes fade. You settle for lesser standards because some goals seem to not be accomplishable no matter how hard you try (so you feel). Nonetheless, you do have that internal driver that's sitting in there, really controlling your life processes (and rightly so). Your internal drivers are your inner desire to excel and lay your mark, your will to change the world around you, your earnestness to put in your best irrespective of what it brings you in return. These drivers are part of your persona. They are your personality. You never cease to be inspired because you are the source of the inspiration itself.
Experiments: What do they prove?
Humans like feeling good and by far, they do things that make them happy (why not?) Experiments of the past stated that a reward is attractive and moves you to action. But what after you have received the reward? What gives you pleasure then? External drivers have a ceiling point. Internal drivers don't. Internal drivers make you enjoy the journey. The destination is important (your reward of course) but the journey ought to be fulfilling. If only we could create a world where we studied for knowledge, not ranks and worked for service, not bonuses. If only we allowed our internal drivers to guide us. In fact behavioral experiments do state that the rewards actually confuse us and distract us from our internal drives. We need to avoid those distractions and find perspective in all that we do. Focus on our inner desire for accomplishing the task to the best of our own ability, not the task itself.
Hard Drive Full
Have we ever heard the message from our brain: ‘hard drive full’? Well at times we feel we have, and our brains seem saturated to an extent that it seems to not function anymore. But we are unaware of our own potential. Yes we're not computers; but we are the creatures who ‘make’ computers and we set the commands and make these machines work to our advantage. There is no limit to the human ability to innovate, transform, revolutionize and inspire. But alas, little is the use of the machine if we don't know how to run it. We need to learn to use our mind to our advantage. Understand how to refuel it, discover how to polish it and discern how to use it to its optimal potential capacity.
You’re not alone
There are forces beyond your own control that sometimes pull you down. You seem to wonder why others ‘lucked out’ and why you were left to suffer. At the same time, without your cognizance, there are lifeboats that are keeping a watch on your mother ship; not constantly fuelling it, but definitely offering the confidence that you will not sink. You need to know and have faith in them. It doesn't really change the way your life events take shape, but it changes perspectives. Once your vision changes, the world you see gets modified. Life is all about perspectives. If you have the right one you are guaranteed to ‘luck out’ each time that's a promise!

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