Jan 31, 2013

The screenplay of life

mind the life
The human mind is an influential apparatus, highly capable and adept; it can fashion marvels as well as facilitate demolition at its whim.  Cognitive abilities that it originates are forever tinted with an emotional tone. The subjective color of this emotion is known as mood. Moods may well be understood by shade; dark, bright, grey, dull, shining and occasionally blinding too. Long lasting and repetitive moods paint character. They transform the persona; allowing for the angelic halo and the devilish horns to occasionally show up and blush the environment with its virality.
Not a comedy
Life isn't a humor show; it’s a convoluted saga with frequently glorious beginnings, often complicated core events with heroic defenses against them, and undeniably sought-after happy endings. We live in a bubble; expanding it with expectations; oblivious to the inevitable reality of failure and defeat; until one fine day the bubble bursts. And strangely so, freedom from the bubble should offer a feeling of liberty from the bondage of weary expectations. It ought to seem like a relief. A chance to flee…
Fight Fright Flight
Trials are inevitable to existence. Defenses are usually sufficient, however on occasion caution turns into a deterrent of action. Conflicting moments usually generate 3 responses:
  • Fight: wherein one finds strategies to tackle the situation
  • Fright: where one may freeze, lose control or break down
  • Flight: where one withdraws and flees from the situation
Needless to say in several cases fleeing is the best option (when there’s a bear chasing you in the jungle for instance!) However life’s daily occurrences demand that one deal with every situation boldly with the apposite presence of mind and problem solving tactics. Fleeing is usually a tension free option; all you need is swiftness and an escape plan. However stresses track you down nevertheless.
Escape plan
The path to escapade is usually dark and weary. There is of course the moon and there are twinkling stars that may offer direction. However one rather bask in the warmth of the sun in the day; and dwell in the serenity of the moon under a star lit sky than spend that time concocting an escape plan. Reality exists within us, there’s little escape from oneself; even if there is a successful attempt, it’s often a misjudged sham.
Happy ending
Fleeing from painful reality doesn’t get one closer to the finish line. It indeed keeps one nearer to the start. The fight response involves protective mechanisms that are well understood as defenses. These may be appropriate problem solving processes or the faulty escape routes like aggression, fear, frustration, jealousy, and incompetency. Everyone seeks happy finales. But that path involves hard work. And the reward doesn’t bring as much pleasure as the accomplishment along the way.
Lessons from nature
Nature has its inspiration to bestow. The butterfly peacefully sits on a flower; but the instance someone approaches; it flaps its wings and swooshes out of sight before even a blink. It shields itself from danger. A bee is ever ready to sting when it senses “dangerous vibes”.  The chameleon changes color; some call it the escape response. These creatures try to “fight” with all their “right” defenses. Loss is never absolute. It’s a step towards victory. All one needs to do is look beyond the fence. It was created artificially; the mind has the ability to go beyond and soar to the heights it deems desirable. There’s no curbing it. If you only let it express its adroitness…

With contribution by Ms.Nikita Vyas
Psychology Intern at MINDRAMES

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