Jan 29, 2013

Listen to your dreams...

dream away
The royal road
Sigmund Freud explicated dreams as the royal road to the unconscious. The path where we are all kings and queens; oblivious to the tribulations of the wearisome world, where yearnings are fulfilled and wishes granted. The unconscious mind is always unchained, unrestricted and unobstructed. Dreams are the mind's insensible fulfillment of sub conscious desires. The waking mind may not accept a valiant disclosure of love or uninhibited expression of resentment. But dreams allow this completion. They are uninhibited. The unchained mind can soar to heights and breathe in great depths too. So it makes the best of that freedom. It dreams.
Ingredients that cook up a dream
Dreams contain successions of images, thoughts, feelings, ideas as well as sensations. Dream content may involve incidences the entire lifetime: past, present as well as future. There may be objects, concepts, people, fears, joys, successes and failures altogether. Previous challenges that have been overcome years ago may crop up to the surface in a dream. The emotion connected with the event may be experienced too.  The incident would have passed but the emotion tinged with it lingers in the subconscious mind and surfaces when given an opportunity. Past relationships, partners, professions; all appear in dreams if the emotional tone attached to them has been unresolved.
Present day dreams
Dreams about current occurrences are mere spill overs of the daytime residue of actions that didn't get accomplished in wakefulness; hence they chose to linger on. These may not be very sentimental; they indeed seem like a living day extending through the night. They signify conscious preoccupation with the issue that continues into the night. They ought to offer messages too. The completion of the event usually terminates these dreams.
Listen to the messages they’re sending
According to Freud the motto of dreams is wish fulfillment; if you haven’t achieved it in reality; you can have the candy in your dream and make yourself happy. Carl Jung proposed that dreams reflect events that one may have been neglecting; thus the conscious mind wants to prompt us through the dreams. The Gestalt concept follows a different philosophy elucidating that the ignored, rejected and suppressed part of the being comes alive in dreams. There are several messages based on varied concepts of interpretation. Most dreams ought to be construed in the context of individual situations. There is usually alteration of constructs within the dream which should be understood in detail in order to earn the apposite message. If you don’t listen, you won’t know what the dream is trying to say.
The distortion of elements
Reality is truly an enigma. There are as many realities as there are perceptions of it. According to a series of studies, we are irrational about dreams the same way we are irrational in our everyday decisions. In their search for meaning, humans can turn to dreams in order to find answers and explanations. Dreams reflect the human trait of optimistic thinking since humans tend to focus more on dreams where good things take place. However there are frequent nightmares as well as dreams of punishment and death which challenge Freud’s theory of wish fulfillment. Why would one wish for punishment?
Dream defenses
The reorganization of events in dreams is the mind’s defense against unacceptable executions. These reshuffles ought to be interpreted rightly. Often in dreams one may confess feelings that are actually opposite to really felt emotions. At others these may be expressed towards unwanted people. The displacement of emotions is a cover for the wariness of even the subconscious mind to fulfill its actual wants. Likewise reprimands and death in dreams is the mind’s self-gratification of forgiveness by punishing oneself in the dream since we cannot dare to do so while we are wide-awake. Several symbolic substitutions are also a commonality in dreams and have to be interpreted within the context of current life. Dreams have a lot to tell you. You just need to be all ears to listen…

For more on dream interpretation do connect with MINDFRAMES

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