Jan 4, 2013

Psychiatry? Psychology? Thats crazy!

mind the mind
I’m not crazy! You are!
My child does not pay attention 
He can’t sit at one place for long 
His mind meanders in no time 
Kids these days are just sluggish 
They find excuses to evade study 
Teachers at school just complain 
Parent 1: I don't know what to do about this behavior; I can’t comprehend how to deal with this issue. Every time I meet his teachers they nitpick about how careless he is and how restless he gets at time, it’s so embarrassing for me. Maybe something is wrong with those teachers. 
Parent 2: Well, have you considered taking him to a doctor? 
Parent 1: Why do I need a doctor? He just needs to be spanked and grounded only then he will understand how to behave. 
Parent 2: Your child may have a behavior issue or an adjustment problem; you could consult a psychiatrist and resolve this issue while he is still young. Probably hitting him and punishing him will worsen the situation 
Parent 1: Huh! Why does my son need a psychiatrist? He is not mentally ill. He is not crazy or retarded. He is fine. I know what to do with my son. He's not crazy, you are!

What’s common is not essentially normal
There is a preponderance of parents who consider adjustment, behavioral and attention issues as petty thus unworthy of concern. They deal with their children in a manner that ‘they’ deem convenient and acceptable. They trust instinct, folklore, tradition, fate, friends, neighbors, hearsay but NOT experts and least of all science and evidence based practice. It is heartbreaking to hear people say that psychological issues are tabooed and outlawed. The presumed disgrace that people who visit psychiatrists or counselors are mentally ill and crazy makes the already disturbed life a lot worse. Denial of help in times of trouble is barbarian! 
Psychological health: Reality
Psychiatry and psychology are related to functioning of the mind. A mental illness is not a cough or cold or a stomachache; it is quite different. It is a complex interplay of various internal states that affect an individual in totality. It plays, not merely on the physical state, but also influences one's social, familial, emotional, educational, occupational and interpersonal performance. Thus a mentally ill person does not feel good doing anything. A superior performance in any sphere requires a fresh, focused, alert and active mind. When we are unable to function to the optimum, to a level that we reasonably expect of ourselves, it’s time to introspect. Accept, acknowledge, appreciate and consider the possibility of need for help; then consult an expert for the same. 
Stress a contributor?
Tensions and stresses are a part of everyone's life; and each one fights them with their defenses and coping strategies. Many a time stressors play on the mind; and make one vulnerable to mental illness. Ordinarily all of us bear the ups and downs of life without much trouble. However everyone has his or her threshold, which if crossed, uproots the secure base. That is the time to ask yourself, 'What is wrong with me? Am I behaving normally? This is not how I would usually react! This is just not me!' Hence it is important to keep a constant check on your stress levels to watch out for anxiety and depression. 
Character and mental illness
Mental illness is not related to weakness in character. That is a myth. Everyone has his or her own relative tolerance threshold. Each has a distinctive personality makeup. What may seem like a trivial event to one person may be the cruelest disaster for another. Every individual has his or her own way of countering events, dealing with stressors, facing challenges and fighting failures. It is not correct for any person to compare oneself to another or comment on the psychological makeup of another. Hence respect should to be given to the mind; and any symptoms like tension, worry, stress, anxiety, sadness, anger and irritability; that are getting out of control, should be taken seriously 
You can’t fight your chemicals
Chemicals in parts of the emotional brain are responsible for expression and experience of emotion. Any disruption here contributes to abnormal emotional states. Neurotransmitters control what we think, feel and do. There’s no fighting it. With novel research and spanking advances in brain studies; it has become even more manifest that activities, thoughts, desires, joys, sorrows, fears, fantasies, impulses are all controlled by chemicals in the brain. If there is any muddle in these, thought processing gets disrupted, emotions are disturbed and conduct transforms. Our own behavior begins to surprise us and it seems beyond personal control. 
Make the right choice
Seeking help when you need it is a sign of courage, a democratic move to help the self for the self by the self. It’s the only way. After all if you don't love yourself enough, who else will?

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