Jan 9, 2013

Whose side are you on anyways?

being unique
every oyster doesn't bear a pearl

There are always choices, decisions, and verdicts offered; along with pronouncements expected of us at every stage in life. There are forever options. And choices have to be made between:
Right               Wrong
Left                 Right
North              South
Black               White
Truth               Lies
Real                 Fake
There is day and then there is night. But there is dawn and noon and dusk and twilight too. The world we know has black and white but it offers the options of gray. Yet preponderance and predilections guide your decisions. Two sides to a coin, two directions, two paths, two poles, two elements, two faces. What matters in life is whose side you take and what choices you make.
Angel and devil
There are conflicting personas within each of us. These are usually poles apart and bare themselves in distinctive situations. It can never be that one is all strong, all happy, all content and all at peace. We can have some of it all of the time and all of it some of the time but rarely do we have all of what we want all of the time. Life is full of expectations and cravings and the pit of each one’s desires is truly bottomless. It takes a supreme level of nirvana to stop wanting and realize that we have it all and then be content with that realization.
Make the choice
There’s always that option of being happy with your kid’s behavior, staying satisfied with your wife’s love for you, contentment with that job, gratification with your current friendships, ease with your finances, reconciliation with your looks and above all peace with your mind. The world is truly not perfect for anyone; no one is an exception. Each fights their own battles, everyone defeats a fragment of himself or herself in that fight, and all grow with time and experience (if they choose to that is). What matters, is the choice you make (not that of settling for lesser than the superlative); in believing that you have what is finest for you and making the best of it. 
Ambition a sin?
Satisfaction is not a synonym for stagnation. Contentment with what you do adds to zest and fervor for the buildup of positive energies. Setting goals, achieving them, then re-setting higher targets is the process for self-growth. There is no doubt that one needs ambitiousness to rise above; this must not be mistaken for the laid back attitude with no drive for betterment.
Beyond the pattern
Getting accustomed to think, feel and behave in a specific manner becomes a pattern. Any change in that pattern seems like a disruption; like an obstacle on the road while you are driving smoothly. However, comparable to modern art, life today is not about patterns. It’s about change and innovation. Refusal and rejection are interruptions in that pattern which people are habituated to. Today ego gets precedence over rational thinking and growth. This disallows logical reasoning and hampers personal development. People often fail to comprehend the need for complex situations and miss out on the enormous possibilities of learning from solving these complexities.
Breaking the inertia
When a thought process is familiarized to a style of thinking the inertia and desire to keep it that way is tremendous. However, with repeated understanding, accepting and dealing with the transitions, one can sedate the ego (the dark side of us: frustration, repression, jealousy, denial). Thinking will then be seasoned and behavior will have a makeover. It only takes the first gear to start the car. At the fifth gear, it is as if floating smoothly with minimal effort or fuel. Kick start your journey to life now, else you won’t get anywhere. Make the right choice. You cant get to fifth gear without the first...

With contributions by Ms. Nikita Vyas
Psychology intern at MINDFRAMES 

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