Jan 25, 2013

WOW: The path to success

standing out
Winning has gained prominence in today’s world; however victory is vital to the human who wins, not to the world itself. The world merely prepares for and enjoys the game. Success enhances self-regard; however success as well as self-regard, are misnomers. The fun in the game and self-growth that occurs through the process is the ultimate goal. There are several paths, some seem appropriate to few, others view them as inadequate. Reality is static but percepts of it vary. Hence there are innumerable ‘right’ paths for different people. More so, they are defined as ‘right’ only after they give expected outcomes. You would never know what’s right, right at the outset!
Positive pessimism
You can’t stop sleeping because of nightmares. Tonight you may dream something beautiful. Giving up hope is not even an option. But wishful thinking isn’t the only solution either. Realistic wishes are permissible; those that we are capable of fulfilling by ourselves with a little help and guidance. There’s no magic genie; there may be influential family members, affluent recommendations and financial backups; but no magic genie indeed. This world doesn't thrive on blind faith. Optimism is the goal but accepting the realism of struggle is a mandate. Edison reasoned "I have never failed; I've succeeded in discovering 10,000 ways that don’t work". There is always a path for you if you choose to tread on it.
WOW experience
Until the famous words ‘Eureka! Eureka!’ were uttered by a man running naked in his hall room, pleased to pronounce to the world the theory that became well known as the Archimedes principle; learning was only a matter of conditioning. Learning meant repeating tasks, awaiting positive outcomes, responding to reinforcers and making cause-effect relationships. The WOW method of learning is known as learning by instinct; concocting something that was not existent before we offered it to the world. Not many of us have had the pleasure of this WOW experience; barring a few actualized souls who offered to this world in significant ways. We all are capable of it. If only we know HOW to get to the WOW…
The average human brain weighs 1500 grams and has approximately 100 billion brain cells (neurons) that constantly work on formulating thoughts, generating emotions and directing behavior. No one was born with any excess (barring genetic prodigies) or less (except trauma that instigated mental retardation). We choose to use our brain to our own whim. Ingenuity and innovation mandate the use of intellect and experience to create something that never existed before. What Archimedes and Einstein offered wasn't at impulse. However as they are meant to be, miracles ensue in moments. But it indeed takes astuteness to effect novel ideas. Mistakes complete the awareness of what works, as well as what doesn't  The wise have learned from these mistakes and risen.
The wise know that life cannot offer sanguinity in all situations, but that doesn't justify cynicism. The current notion of positive pessimism leaves no scope for suspicion. Look for positive points, no matter how few they may be; seek them in your thoughts, decisions and the environment. See what has worked for you instead of focusing on what hasn't.  And bring these to active use. Use mistakes to your advantage and grow in intellect and as a person. Be your own critic, and be just. Don’t beat yourself else you won’t have energy to spring back. It’s an imperfect world. Making the best out of the imperfections is indeed optimism today.
The world is truly round; there can be no dead ends! Excuses are mere substitutes of shortcomings. If there is a will, the way itself finds you. There’s very little that can curb the gusto of a mind that’s programmed in its coveted direction. Like the cannonball that doesn't mend its course once fired.  When setbacks diminish zest, the goal ought to offer the resolve to go on. The light at the end of the tunnel has tremendous power. It seems dim but gets brighter as you move forward. Even animals use instincts to attain their goals. Humans are blessed with superior cognitive development, in addition to their need for achievement which drives them towards their targets. If you will it, it will happen.
Cleanse the soul
Water is transparent and free flowing. Absolutely accommodating and conforming. The epitome of compliance, it takes the shape of its container, no resistance offered, ever adjusting and assimilating, even cleansing the vessel without question! Water does not seek comfort. It reflects back on occasion when calm and still, quenches and satisfies on others. Humans explicitly challenge conformity; dwelling in the inertia of personal dogmas, failing to grasp the blissful joy of self advancement through change. Take that plunge. And cleanse yourself. Success will occur as a byproduct…

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