Dec 3, 2012

It's time to get calculative

Math may not be the only field that makes one excel in life, but the summation of occurrences that add meaning to existence does count. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, the inevitable addition to life is the number of years lived. Birthdays come every year and we have no means to stop them. Until one day the count ends. But till then, the clock ticks. It’s strange that we keep counts of birthdays (a mere addition of years of ‘breathing’) and lose track of things that made this subsistence worthwhile. Or was it ever worthwhile? We dont even know. Its essential for each one to know. Everyone needs some good training in math. To get calculative about life…
The ‘meaning of life meter’
There are no fixed guidelines that one must follow as a standard to assess the value of ones’ subsistence. It’s all about assessment of personal roles and the level of fulfillment of the same. One can live for several years and still not find purpose. However to be an actualized soul, it benefits to have an element of self-assessment in the positions fulfilled in life, to allow for self-growth and betterment. You need to know yourself to raise yourself. There is no comparative without the positive (you cannot get better if you’re not good to start with!) 
What’s your score?
If you had to judge yourself on each of the dimensions below and self rate your performance on the different roles you fulfill, you would know where you stand. If you’ve ever participated in a play it becomes easier to assess. As Shakespeare put it, all the worlds a stage, and we all must play our part. Roles keep changing. In a given day there are all of the characters below that may come into play. Remember, the spotlight is always on you. 
  • Me as a son/daughter
  • Me as a brother/sister
  • Me as a friend/buddy
  • Me as a lover/spouse
  • Me a parent/guardian
  • Me a friendly neighbor
  • Me as a worker/boss
  • Me as a professional
  • Me as a human being
If you’re good with math and good in character, you will I every likelihood be honest to yourself.
Life is about growth
For half an hour, at the outset, each of us was a single cell. And miraculously from that moment onwards, no one has stopped growing (as long as the body clock is alive and ticking of course.) Each day only has more to offer. As long as we know that, its gets better. There are phases and stages, segments and chapters of life that can be interesting, challenging, boring, stimulating or monotonous; and it seems sensible to deal with them gracefully. Positives and highs ought to give you the lead to step ahead in time, negatives can be used to deal with the pain and motivate yourself to get better. 
No room for defeatism
It’s never hard, tiring, difficult, challenging or painful ONLY for you. It’s sadly true that 95% of people think that it’s easy for the remaining 95% around them. If it were, math would need some new discovery in computation to prove the logic. However, thankfully, the lack of logic convinces that the figures are not true. If we see statistics of psychological illnesses, physical sicknesses, unemployment, poverty, malnutrition, work stresses, relationship problems, parenting issues, family conflicts (just to name the top few troubles in the world today) it would add up to more than100% of people in the world with problems! Now how logical is that? Does that convince any of us that we’re in a better position than others around us?
It’s not about others; it’s all about you
When you don't feel good, others can do little to convince you that it’s not so bad. You need to encourage yourself. How good you look, how rich you are, how satisfied you feel and the serenity you sense; is your own percept. If you spend some time introspecting on your own existence, you will get the records right for yourself and the final figure will be positive. Start calculating now!

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