Dec 26, 2012

Aggression and Impulsiveness

impulsivity and aggression

Need for control
Everyone wants to be in control. All want their desires met. Each one wants to pursue and attain their personal goals. If these are thwarted, frustration is bound to occur. And when that happens, one gets angry and aggressive. A traffic jam that gets you late for that important meeting, a long line at the ticket counter that prevents you from watching the movie of your choice, your child's poor performance report card in spite of your attempts at making her study everyday, the news of you being fired although you put in your best efforts; all generate anger and hostility. This rage if not controlled appropriately can lead to impulsive behavior, which often has disastrous consequences.
Aggression: an instinct
Aggression is a part of the nature of human beings. It seems reasonable to be angry when things don't go the right way. However, some people have a tendency to always be upset and irritated. Thresholds need to be set at some acceptable point. Everything man thinks, feels and does is controlled by the chemical activity in his brain. Certain neurotransmitter alterations in the brain are known to generate belligerent behavior. Also, aggression is attributed to high testosterone, indicating why it is commoner in men. It’s essential to know that like all instinctual behaviors (feeding, excretion, sexuality) aggression too is in our own control. Acting out on an aggressive impulse implies a loss of self-control.
Environmental contribution
Certain external factors like hot sultry climate, crowded and unclean surroundings, too many people, exacting demands at work, interpersonal stressors, financial constraints, excessive noise, pollution etc. also contribute to aggression. Thus neurochemicals (genetic factors) constitute the core of the aggressive personality, which the environmental factors freely worsen. We cannot undermine the role of media in inculcating aggression among children and adults alike. More so in children; the aggressive cartoons, movies, terror news; or simply a verbal argument or physical tiff between the parents can also trigger aggressive outbursts.
Types of aggression
Physical assaults, attacks, fight; all are aggressive exchanges we see commonly in people. But aggression is not merely somatic beating. Direct verbal attacks like insulting, cursing and swearing; as well as sarcasm and snide remarks amount to verbal aggression. In several cultures, looking at people in a specific way may amount to aggression too! On needs to realize etiquette and socially acceptable ways of expressing discontentment and anger. After all, that’s what differentiates man from beasts.
Pros and cons
Although seemingly required at times, anger and aggression only have derogatory effects on performance. An agitated mind does not work rationally and makes illogical and impulsive decisions. And these lead to regret and remorse. A calm and relaxed mind that accepts human as well as natural limitations does not get furious or violent easily. Hence it is very important to maintain a relaxed state of mind at all times. This may sound impossible for someone who is aggressive; but practice can give promising results.
Need to calm down
One's ultimate goal must become self-change and self improvement. Relaxation, visual imagery, and biofeedback programs help individuals cope with aggressive impulses. Cognitive tasks and homework allows for introspection into aggressive outbursts and their preceding events. The important step is insight into one's aggressive behavior, and cognizance the ill effects it can have on performance. Self-change can only be initiated by the self. After all it is the stepping-stone for self-growth.

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