Sep 17, 2012

Get confident!

People only think about you what you think about yourself...
Each of us was created with a purpose, for a reason. All of us were born with something that's exclusive to us. There is always a trait in every one of us that is worthy of being looked up to and admired for; if we choose to respect and further upon that skill or ability that we possess. The choice always lies within us. To view ourselves as worthy of the regard we actually want from the world. Always remember: You matter! Life is like a mirror, reflecting back everything we throw on it.  As much as we place our worth on what the world believes or perceives of us, we fail to acknowledge that we are who we look at ourselves as. That is how self-confidence is born. If you acknowledge your worth, you stand up for yourself. Once you stand up for yourself the world salutes you back. It’s the circle of life!
Why do we fail to see our own worth?
Tragically it's the truth. We choose to see our glass as half empty all the time because everyone else’s glass seems full to us. Sometimes we are too self-critical; at times we are blatantly perfectionistic, yet others we are over achievers. We like to chew more than we can swallow. And when we do and we are let down; our glass now becomes less than half, confidence even lower because of our own failure: another vicious cycle; we fail and we beat ourselves so hard that we lose the energy to stand up ever again. That’s when our self-confidence is lost…
Lost and found?
Yes we can find back things that we have lost before. We just need to search in the right places. And the best place is within you. Feel good about who you are, how you look, what you do, what you have achieved, and all the dreams of what you still are going to achieve. Look at yourself through your own eyes, not the eyes of others. Being confident may not be easy but it’s no rocket science either. It only takes a good start; the ball of confidence rolls consistently with just one smart beginning!
Look, smell & feel good
Don't do things to yourself for the sake of others. Although clothes don’t make a person, they unquestionably affect the way you feel about yourself. No one is more conscious of your physical appearance than you are. When you don’t look good, it changes the way you carry yourself and interact with other people. Use this to your advantage by taking care of your personal appearance. Your looks help to grab someone’s attention; but after those few moments, it’s your personality that takes over the job of sustaining that attention. So besides looking good, you must feel good about yourself, stand erect with conviction, maintain eye contact, feel alert and empowered to speak clearly and let it be known that you are enjoying being with everyone around you. If you speak up, there is a chance that you may be opposed, or accepted; but if you keep silent, your viewpoint will definitely not be accepted at all.
Self talk
No, this doesn't mean you keep talking to yourself and not to others! Positive thinking quotes, self-help books all help you and it always benefits to get tips from others. But then; how about giving some tips to yourself? Spare a few moments in your day to think about your strengths and shortcomings (with utmost honesty; it’s no point lying to yourself). Think on how you can build on your strengths and overcome your frailties and give yourself a little motivational speech on the same. You can do it whenever you have a few minutes for yourself (maybe just before going to bed or as soon as you wake from your sleep). In either case it will assure that you get out of the bed in the morning feeling more positive and full of faith in yourself. 
Appreciate goodness
When you focus too much on what you need to achieve, the mind creates reasons why you can’t have it. This leads you to focus more on your weaknesses. The best way to avoid this is consciously focusing on gratefulness. Set aside time each day to mentally list everything you have to be thankful for. Recall past successes, unique skills, beautiful relationships, and positive impetus. Think of how good others are, it will make you realize that they think good of you too. When you see the virtues of others, you bring out the best in yourself too.
Don't always be restless and gasping like you are drowning (in your own worries and negativities that is…) learn to relax, sit back and breathe. Try some yoga and meditation (this is also a good moment for introspection). When your mind is calm, it sees positives; when tumultuous, it only imagines a storm approaching. If you focus on darkness you will never be appreciate the moon and the stars. Envision yourself as a king, that's the only way you will get to climb onto your throne!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. And simple practical examples on how to implement the principles in everyday life. Keep writing!
