Sep 20, 2012

Attention Teens: Face rejection bravely!

Walt Disney was rejected for a newspaper cartoonist job because apparently he had no talent…
Thomas Edison was disregarded because of 10,000 failures in his process of making the light bulb… 
Einstein had no choice when he was suspended from his school because he was considered to be ‘retarded’; they didn’t want such a dull child in their school…
If they had let rejection and failure affect them; there would not have been mickey mouse or a light bulb or an understanding of the theory of relativity. With every rejection comes a greater endeavor at success; to those who believe in themselves...
No! Nobody can tell me a ‘no’!
Have we all not been in need? Of a school or college admission, a friend, a life partner, a career course, a job? All of us are always in need; such is life. And when we need’ we have to ask for what we want as well as work hard for it. If the college of your choice doesn’t take you, it’s hard for you; but you can try harder to make it in another. Focus on your goals and choose your career accordingly. If you don’t get accepted, try again, improve on yourself, and see where you went wrong instead of blaming others for not accepting you. That pretty girl decided she may not want to be in a relationship with you but she has every right to make her own choice just as you have yours. So don’t be absolute in areas where you have to be acknowledged because it’s a free world. Give others a choice too!
Have you met Mr. Perfect or Miss Perfect?
Seriously do you know of anybody who’s perfect? Someone with no flaws whatsoever? Someone who just cannot fail at anything? A master of all? There is no Mr. or Miss Perfect in 'this' world at least; and it’s almost ridiculous that you would expect yourself to be the best at whatsoever you choose to do. Even the winner of the Olympic gold medal in the 100 meters would not be able to run the marathon because his abilities and strengths are focused in a specified direction. So don’t fear failure and rejection because you think you must always be perfect. Learn to accept your strengths and limitations. The winner is not usually the person with most power; but one who knows his weaknesses because he accepts himself and doesn’t beat himself down for the little failures that the stepping stones for long term successes. 
Never stop growing
If you had to be the best, you would lose that bright chance of getting better! Life is about growth; in all fronts but most importantly self growth. If everyone says yes to you, you wouldn’t need to change anything and you wouldn't need to learn anything. That would be a pretty boring life! Identify the areas where you need to change and take your plunge with conviction. If you’re ready for success you must be ready for failure too
Never stop learning
Nothing is static or permanent in this world. Getting rejected is one of the best learning opportunities, that is, if you pay attention and learn from the experience. That is what prepares you for sure shot success. If you get rejected and blame someone else, you’re probably not going to get much out of the interaction. If, however, you start thinking about what you could’ve done better, you’re on it. If you can’t figure it out, ask the person or group that rejected you. If you approached a friend who denied you, communicate; ask them what went wrong. Sometimes it’s just your style of talking or you’re wishing to be in command that doesn’t fit, but sometimes it’s because your personality has flaws too. Figuring out these flaws will only make you better. 
Avoid faulty conditioning
All your life you have been told that failure is bad, right? You have been threatened, warned, pleaded, requested and even ordered to not fail, right? So you grew up believing that failure is bad. And you always fear it. You cannot always understand the meaning of the rejection that you faced. You probably don’t even know what that particular rejection means. In the short-term it might feel bad, but you have no idea what it teaches you or what it might lead to. You were rejected for a course and you took up another one and succeeded in it and probably became happy eventually. You may have been rejected by a peer group but accepted elsewhere and they love you. Rejections in relationships or marriage proposals always leave you open to meeting more people and finding the right match for yourself. You cannot judge the rejection as something good or bad in most cases. Constantly looking at the negative, even when it isn’t necessary, isn’t productive. So look at the positives. Look for opportunities (they are not always guests who must knock on your door!) Go out and catch them for yourself and make good use of them.
Just accept yourself! 
Each one of us is amazing!
Learn to smile at yourself because you are special!
Know that rejection is a stepping stone to acceptance!

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