Mar 17, 2013

Looking up to yourself

Courtesy and respect for actualized souls is explicit. Honor, reverence and regard are our abstract offerings to people we look up to. There is a lot of goodness in this world: immense talent, profound wisdom and overwhelming aptitudes. Each of these demands admiration. However, one ought to find ways and means, motives and reasons; as well as actions and intentions that enable one to look up to his or her own self. Undue self-importance is not obligatory; it is in fact barred. But self-respect is a mandate for every human; and it must be worthily earned and earnestly netted. The world has no need for self-proliferating egotists. 
Need to evolve
There always ought to be ideals and targets that direct one to a higher level of existence. Even Maslow's hierarchy elucidates the need to fulfill basic needs and progress to higher ones. Progress typically involves betterment (by definition). That's precisely why we have report cards in schools, growth charts at doctors’ clinics and success graphs in corporate offices. Everyone needs to grow. If there were no ‘need’, evolution wouldn't have brought us to where we stand today. The ‘Flynn effect’ emphasizes the elevation in people’s IQ with passing years.  The world is changing, in many ways for the better, in several, for worse. The choice of direction lies in the hands of each of the human beings who comprise it.
Growth quotient
Getting better than yesterday and knowing that tomorrow will be even better than today, is a good estimate of assessing amends in a positive direction. While we are well aware of the intelligence quotient (IQ) that determines intellect, somewhat cognizant of emotional quotient (EQ) which is about building positive and fruitful relationships; very slightly conscious of social and spiritual ones (SQs) that imply sociability and self-awareness; the growth quotient is seldom even considered. It forms a valuation of the degree of actualization with passing days, months and years. Experiential growth and wisdom doesn't essentially come with age. Nirvana doesn't have time specificity. Yet, we must gauge our progress by the goodness in thought, clarity in intent and generosity of our actions.
Respect your own effort
Every event adds to our know-how of life. Growth is never a mandate; it’s always an option though. Every bit of sweat is worthy of respect (after you have put it in that is.) There is no gain without investing some pain. But it’s important to respect the pain and regard oneself for that hard work even though results may not show immediately. Respect yourself for the effort. And keep adding that effort so that you get more opportunities to regard yourself.
A step at a time
Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither will be your success; least of all your self-respect. Find adequate reason to look up to yourself. The primary purpose of existence is to find peace and happiness in what we do. With that as the ultimate goal, emotions should guide action in the appropriate direction. Little steps when taken rightly surpass the tallest mountains…

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