Feb 15, 2013

Why you are who you are

nature vs. nurture
Innatism or empiricism
Individuals seek answers regarding their behavior when probed on their performance. Why they do what they do, how they are the way they are and what drove them to get where they did. Self-appraisal is a healthier option; nonetheless soul searching can be unquestionably instigated by the innate versus empirical debate when people are asked why they are who they are.
  • How is it that you are so beautiful?
  • Your aptitude puts all of us to shame!
  • How did you get promoted so easily at work?
  • How do you manage to excel in studies always?
Some evolve to where they do, others lag behind. Some turn into fashion models, others doctors, several into bartenders and numerous never get anywhere. The world has its share of endowment as well as botches. The search for etiology of talent or the lack of it has inspired several theories of human ability.
Attribution of behavior to genetics, something one was ‘born’ with and seemingly is not in personal control; may be regarded as an escapist trait. Heredity does play a role in one’s temperament. However the ever so often simplistic view is not appropriate: 
  • That’s my nature
  • It is how I truly am
  • It is how I have been
  • I can’t help I’m like that
Habits are self-accentuating. Perceptions influence thoughts that generate emotions; these in turn determine behavior, which eventually impacts one’s persona (commonly termed as nature). Personalities take years to evolve; defective character traits are not identifiable until the age of 16 to 18 years. This underlines the gradual alteration of neurons in the brain that impress changes in neuro-chemicals that eventually express as one’s character. We nurture our own nature.
According to philosopher John Lock human potential is categorically inspired by environmental influences. He coined the term of origin of behavior ‘tabula rasa’ which means blank slate; that gets written upon as one grows and evolves. The nurture theory emphasizes that the environment can challenge innate traits and transform humans for better or worse, (depending on their credulousness of course). The milieu can challenge genetic behavioral influences. This underscores the credibility of one’s nature that gets influenced by the ambiance.
In effect
We imbibe from influencers depending on our adsorption capacity (as well as the conviction of the stimulus to impact us). Like a sponge which absorbs paint subject to its permeability; the thickness of the paint as well as porousness of the sponge matter. One doesn't fly off the handle because the work environment is stressful or it’s simply genetically so. Neither would one drink or smoke only under peer pressure. A yearning to excel and the will to toil for it; coupled with the right opportunity is a recipe for success. Luck made no one’s fate. Each one made it for themselves, by themselves, of themselves. Democracy rules. 
Your world in your hands
You were born free. We all have a free will. If you don't know what you are capable of, no one else can. Nobody can achieve it all. However the longing to get out of the helpless temperament indeed helps. There’s nothing that can stop one from escalating to as high as they ever wanted to soar. No genetic or external presser has that power over a functional and capable human mind that is aware of its own authority…

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