Apr 21, 2013

Play Therapy

play on
Play and therapy
Play is usually identified as something recreational, fun and participative. Using play in learning is a challenging and innovative method to mitigate personal change. Play therapy is a form of counseling or psychotherapy that uses play to communicate with and help people, especially children, and it helps to prevent or resolve psycho-social challenges. Because children cannot express themselves the way we adults can, the use of play is thought to help them towards better social integration, growth and development. Play therapy is generally employed with children aged 3 through 11 and provides a way for them to express their experiences and feelings in a natural and non-threatening manner which does not intimidate them. As children’s experiences and knowledge are often communicated through play, it becomes an important vehicle that helps them to know and accept themselves as well as those around them.
How It Works: Diagnosing
A play therapist observes a child playing with toys (play-houses, pets, dolls, puppets, etc.) to determine the cause of the disturbed behavior. The objects chosen by the child and the various patterns of play, as well as the willingness to interact with the therapist, can be used to understand the underlying cause for the child’s behavior troubles both with the therapist in the session, as well as  outside, in his own surrounding. The issues easily identified here are:
  • Anxiety
  • Aggression
  • Sexual abuse
  • Gender confusion
  • Unexpressed anger
  • Relationship troubles
How It Works: Treatment
Play therapy can be non-directive or directive depending on the instructions offered to children during the process.  Children have a barrage of unresolved conflicts that require them to work toward their own solutions through play, preferably with minimal input from the outside. Although it may not seem too obvious, children are capable of insight and have stepwise moral development albeit it maybe at a different pace in different children. Enabling children to modify behavior through play is an effective strategy to get the best outcome with the children’s and parents intent in complete synchrony.
Non-directive play therapy
This is guided by the notion that if given a chance to speak and play freely under a safe and comfortable environment, troubled children and adolescents will be able to resolve their own problems and work toward their own solutions. Non-directive play therapy has few strict rules and conditions and therefore can be used at any age. The use of toys, human characters, animals, dolls, hand puppets, crayons, cars, water, sand, jellies, blackboards etc. is a common feature of this kind of approach. It is believed (and documented with evidence), that children are better able to express their feelings toward themselves and their environment through these than by verbalization. By unrestricted self-expression children can experience a passionate release of their suppressed emotions, gain insight into their sub-conscious thoughts,  and test their own reality (catharsis). Toys like these are more likely to encourage dramatic play and children can easily associate with them, both of which are important in outward expression.
Directive Play Therapy
This has more structure and guidance by the therapist as children work through emotional and behavioral difficulties through play. The process includes more prompting and direction by the therapist as it is believed to mitigate a quicker change in the child’s behavior. Therapists may use several techniques to involve the child, such as engaging in play with the child themselves or suggesting new topics instead of letting the child direct the conversation. Stories read by directive therapists are more likely to have an underlying purpose, and therapists are more likely to create interpretations of stories that children tell. In directive therapy games are generally chosen for the child, and children are given themes and character profiles when engaging in doll or puppet activities. This therapy still leaves room for free expression by the child, but it is more structured, orderly and methodical.

Play therapy:
Play on come on,
If you like what you do,
And you choose to be true,

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