Apr 17, 2013

Autism: More than self-obsession

Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)
As a child progresses from a newborn to infancy to toddlerhood, we see several developmental changes in all dimensions. The physical bodily growth, advancement of language, communicating with words and actions, as well as the rest of the world around; is all part of the developmental spectrum. Sometimes some children lag behind in one or more of the aspect of this spectrum. Such a lag in either one or all of speech, relatedness, communication and expression leads to a problem called pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). Autism is one such type of PDD.
Why did it happen?
We don’t have definite reasons or answers for that because largely causes of Autism are unknown. Sometimes children tend to have Autism if their parents or siblings or even distant relatives had it. The development of the child’s brain (before birth) may occasionally be hampered and the connections that link nerves together to make the brain function in the ‘normal’ pattern get affected. Autism is definitely set in motion early in life as the brain is evolving. Imaging studies have suggested that the brains of children with Autism are different from those of other children. Thus Autism has pre birth causes that we cannot truly pinpoint with absolute precision.
How come my child?
Compared to other conditions we see in childhood, autism is relatively rare. We see it in 1 out of 1000 children. Off late the prevalence of PDDs has gone up, that merely indicates that we are diagnosing these problems more often while earlier they went unnoticed. We see it more commonly today because we are more aware and have an eye for it.
Is it bad?
Communication is the key to interpersonal awareness and intelligence. It is the mode with which human beings interact with each other and their environment. Children need to communicate and interact through use of words and actions to learn about the world and its ways. Understanding speech as well as emotions enables children to become emotive and intelligent human beings. They learn to speak and listen to others, share ideas, and deal with situations appropriately. If this development is stalled due to some reason, the child’s speech, understanding and relatedness gets affected. The different sensory modalities (vision, speech, hearing) are disintegrated and children retract from the outer world to within themselves. They cannot relate to the external world at all.
Are you sure?
There are other problems in children, which can be confused with Autism. If your child cannot hear well, he may have a delay in his speech development. Speech delay is one of the earliest warning signs of autism; but Autism implies deeper involvement besides speech. There is something different about the way these children relate to people around them. They do not communicate with others. Not even with gestures or actions. Not even with their parents. And they develop a world within themselves. (Auto=self and ism=tendency). These children are lost within their own world and observe everything outside of their world as alien, unknown, unneeded, unwanted.
Sociability checklist
  • They don't look at you or smile often
  • They don't respond to their own name
  • Will not typically point towards things
  • They don't like to look you in the eye
  • They do not respond to laughs or cries
  • They will not know if you are unhappy
Communication checklist
  • They don't develop appropriate speech
  • They don't even use gestures with you
  • They may have few word combinations
  • Won't ask, even if they want something
  • They repeat your words when you ask
  • They as if don’t hear what you’re saying
Stereotypy checklist
  • Stereotypies are repetitive behaviors
  • These kids like things to be in order
  • They get upset if their order changes
  • You see them placing toys in order too
  • They always seem preoccupied or lost
  • Head banging, hand wringing is seen
Does it get OK?
Treating Autism and ‘curing’ it is difficult because patterns have already been formed in the child’s brain and the connections in the brain cells cannot be remade. The support process is a partnership between the counselor, parents, and child.
  • Its nobody’s fault and we can try to increase the child’s productivity
  • Medication (as per doctor’s advice) and behavior program will help
  • Children do not develop all essential skills required for functioning
  • However they may build upon and accentuate several savant skills
Sensory integration
Autistic children possess a disconnect between the different sensory modalities. Sensory integration is the process in which the vision, hearing and speech connectivity is enhanced using occupational therapy paradigms. PDD child will benefit from this and it should be initiated as soon as possible to encourage the development of senses and speech.
Therapy options
A parent is the best influencer of a child’s behavior. Your children need your support and appropriate behavior shaping tasks. Keep a consistent daily schedule, as your child will resist change and get aggressive. Maintain close eye contact with your child whenever you speak to him. Make sure your child gets a healthy, varied diet, with plenty of fiber and basic nutrients. Assure that he gets enough sleep and is rested. Always provide clear and consistent rules for your child.
Realistic expectations
Children can acquire some language if they are given intense therapy by 5 years of age. During the later years the development becomes slower. Children need social relationships and these usually don't develop because of the aggressive outbursts and typicality in the behavior of autistic children. The aggression and repetitive behavior do reduce with age and frequently need to be controlled with medicines. The IQ in these children does not progress and they may need assistance lifelong for their care. There is no alternative for unconditional love that autistic as well as all our kids deserve…

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