Apr 13, 2013

Not so blessed with intellect

some children are not lucky enough
Why my child?
All children are divine gifts from God. How the little embryo transforms in to the fetus and is delivered from your being into this universe is a miraculous process. And as much as science has progressed to help us understand the process, we still don't know things that go on at the back end before we get the final product in our hands. Some of our children seem to develop and progress as per the accepted norms and stages that they must accomplish at times in their development. However, for some reason, some children lag behind in the same. Some in fact may be faster than their normal counterparts while others are slower. And at times the slower ones do not have the ability to catch up. It’s not their fault. It’s simply the way it was destined for them. These kids who lack the ability to develop in their mind and their abilities as they are supposed to in keeping with other kids of their age, have intellectual deficits.
What is Mental Retardation?
Intelligence is the ability to think, reason, rationalize and make suitable decisions for oneself. Intelligence builds and develops as we use our innate potential from neural connections in our brains (which was established before birth) coupled with the richness of experience and stimulation from the environment around us. When this reasoning ability fails to develop due to any cause, it is called mental retardation. Simply not getting good academic grades is not retardation. There are a lot of people in the world who have achieved great heights and made successful lives for themselves in spite of not being great in school. When the mind cannot reason or use logic, and there is deficit in the ability to adapt to the environment, it is known as mental retardation (MR). People with MR always stay those few (or many) steps behind and cannot catch up.
Why did my child get this?
We don’t have definite reasons or answers for that because causes of intellectual retardation although several proposed, cannot make us pinpoint exactly why this happened. Any trauma to the brain before the child was born (like some drugs taken by the mother, certain toxic chemical exposure: alcohol and nicotine too, various viral illnesses in the mother during pregnancy etc.) can affect the child’s brain chemicals and connections in a negative manner. These get disrupted and the brain development ceases. The brain is one organ in the human body that cannot reproduce and repair itself when damaged. Once impaired, we cannot change this pattern. Sometimes illnesses like epilepsy or brain infections (meningitis or encephalitis) that the child got after birth or in childhood can also impede the brains normal development leading to mental retardation. It doesn't happen to a 100% extent in 100% of the children but chances of this happening are definitely raised.
How severe is it?
Retardation involves diminished ability to live to the optimum independently qualifying it as quite a severe condition. Yet, we have grades of MR that classify this problem into different spans of severity. A mild deficit in intellectual and adaptive functioning qualifies as borderline or mild MR. These children (and adults) seem a little slow and dull compared to others but they can survive through life even though they don't really flourish.
Parent attitude
  • Continue to love your child unconditionally
  • Accept the shortcomings and get comfortable
  • Do not over pressure or overburden the child
  • At the same time don't treat him too different
  • Allow usual companionship with other kids
  • Give the usual stimulation: activities, games
Parent behavior
  • Your child can enroll in a special school
  • You can contact parents and form a group
  • You can offer life skills training yourself
  • Engage them in physical exercise/swimming
  • Take very good care of their general health
  • Don't overfeed/advocate putting on weight
  • Use soft and relaxing music to calm them
  • Have regular medical checkups for them
  • Look out for aggression and anger in them
Will this get all right ever?
Mental retardation or intellectual disability is not an illness that we can treat or cure. It is a slowed development of the brain due to some or the other cause. The progress is limited but it can be remarkable if you choose to put in the desired effort. Children can learn basic skills; can take care of themselves if you patiently teach them the appropriate techniques for doing so. They can assist you in tasks at home; they can learn skills like craft, art, painting, and music if they develop interest in the same. Treatment in these conditions is a partnership between doctor, counselor, parents, and the child.
A parent is the best influencer of a child’s behavior. Your children need your support and must learn appropriate behaviors. Teach them to take care of themselves. Observe the skills you need from the time you wake up until you go back to sleep, they need to build the same skills for themselves: waking up, clearing and setting the bed, brushing teeth, having a good bath, dressing themselves, eating food without spilling, maintaining cleanliness and neatness at home, taking self responsibility, maintaining safety (not touching electric wires or hot flames); all such tasks that allow you to independently live in a somewhat protected environment are known as life skills. Outside this environment, children would need some assistance. Crossing the road, getting into railway trains etc. are tasks that you can teach them gradually once they have mastered living in your well-protected environment by themselves.
Reality check
You have to have realistic expectations. The degree of intellectual disability somewhat predicts the level of improvement. Mild retardation, with adequate support and training can go unnoticed too. Moderate to severe deficit, persists. You will not see dramatic results but you must try your best for your children. They surely deserve it…

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