Jan 14, 2013

Will it happen? Yes only if YOU will it

The depth of human abilities are yet to be fathomed. Einstein used 6% of his brain and yet was regarded the most intelligent man till today. Some of us barely put to use a fraction of that and yet feel overwhelmed, overworked, tired  and burdened. Awareness of your own potential allows you to prepare for its appropriate use. What a waste of human talent in this world today; few know what they are capable of, a handful have an idea but are far from converting it to reality, while the rest are oblivious to self growth, innate potential and instinctive learning . Fear of failure has become a ready justification for inertia. There is never surety of success in spite of the penultimate effort. But refusal to try assures failure. That's more than definitive.
Free will vs. Determinism
We were thrown into this world and left to be what we want to be. That shouldn't sound very helpless! It in fact offers freedom to follow the heart and use the head to one's best. Existentialism emphasizes free will. We were not predetermined to be honest or shrewd or athletic; or doctors or lawyers or engineers, the day we were born. We make our choices. If we don't, we lose direction. That is the point where mere years get added to life. While life gets subtracted from years...
The choice you make
There are always choices. Freedom is in fact legislated. We ought to use it and make personal choices with intelligent discretion. An average human being is unaware of the impact of his own imagination. Choices you make give purpose to your thoughts and actions. They may be wrong on occasion, but if you haven't erred, you've missed several opportunities to learn strategies that don't work. Eclectic wisdom is about integrating failure and success into life's mosaic. It will eventually look stunning.
Keep a watch…over yourself
There are times we fail to give cognizance to our emotions and what they want to convey to us. We believe:
  • If we are sad it illustrates ‘weakness’
  • If we don't sleep well its just a ‘phase’
  • Fighting with our partners daily is just ‘normal’
  • Seeking or asking for help amounts to being ‘sissy’
Dealing with it yourself and not telling others is being ‘strong’. We thrive on these irrational beliefs and spend a whole lifetime wallowing in sorrow and self pity. Because we could not help ourselves, no one else could understand us and nobody offered help. And we justify dampened enthusiasm. Because no one could guide us and the world was unfair. And it couldn't work out. Keep a watch on your own moods, their swings, the impact they have on others and how and why others behavior changes towards you. You need to do it for yourself. Seeking help is being strong. You need enough strength to stand for yourself and put your hand forward. Your ego is not going to heal you. You don't have to be the sturdiest. You are human. You can let the right people take care of you. Learn to reach out to better yourself. You must have the will to survive.
Recreation or Re-creation
When you innovate, you offer to the world something it was deprived of. The sphere needs that imagination and its transformation to brighter realities. There is no scope for fear on the path leading dreams to reality. When the outlook is positive, obstacles seem like learning experiences and the journey becomes interesting. That's when recreation becomes re-creation.
Can't vs. Won't
There is no such thing as can't. Its always won't. Every time we think we can't take it anymore, we're really substituting the verb because we don't have the will to do better. Doing things beyond what you imagined to be your own ability is a good way to surprise yourself. You will be astounded by your own endurance. Don't do things to prove anything to others. Do them to convince yourself and once convinced, live your life knowing you are special. Grow in mind and spirit. The more you ARE as a person the less you will need to prove yourself to others.

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